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samedi, mai 28 2022



Alemán e libros descarga gratuita APRENDER VUEJS CON 100 EJERCICIOS PRACTICOS (Spanish Edition)


Ficha técnica

  • Número de páginas: 234
  • Idioma: CASTELLANO
  • Formatos: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
  • ISBN: 9788426728029
  • Editorial: S.A. MARCOMBO
  • Año de edición: 2019

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Alemán e libros descarga gratuita APRENDER VUEJS CON 100 EJERCICIOS PRACTICOS (Spanish Edition)





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Ficha técnica

  • Número de páginas: 184
  • Idioma: CASTELLANO
  • Formatos: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
  • ISBN: 9788415996415
  • Año de edición: 2014

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Torrents gratuitos para descargar libros. LO QUE NO APRENDÍ 9788415996415 de MARGARITA GARCIA ROBAYO


Una ficción autobiográfica que emociona, sorprende y cautiva. La gran novela de una autora ya imprescindible.

La protagonista de esta historia no entiende a sus dos hermanas mayores, que la tratan como si fuera una perfecta nulidad; ni a su madre, una señora propensa a las conductas explosivas; ni a su hermano pequeño, que vive abismado en las honduras de sí mismo. La gran incógnita, sin embargo, es su padre, una eminencia perseguida por quienes buscan consejo, un abogado ilustre que cultiva los trances extáticos y visita oscuras regiones del espíritu. De modo que a nuestra heroína sólo le queda la triste alternativa de pasear su desconcierto durante largas horas de bicicleta. Pero cuando cae la tarde debe volver a casa y compartir los asombros cotidianos con sus allegados: la muerte del perro, la brusca penuria económica y la inquietante relación que empieza a darse con un vecino hippie.La niña deja de tener once años en un colegio exquisito mientras su pequeño mundo se desintegra: el padre se recluye en la antigua vivienda familiar, una de las hijas mayores da cobijo a su madre y ella lo encuentra con una abuela que la ceba hasta la náusea.Intentará conjurar esos espectros para atender sus contratiempos privados, pero la familia siempre llama a la puerta. Cuando por fin comprenda las razones de cada uno será demasiado tarde y sólo le quedará la culpa de su propia incomprensión.



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Ficha técnica

  • Número de páginas: 720
  • Idioma: CASTELLANO
  • Formatos: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
  • ISBN: 9788490709122
  • Año de edición: 2019

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Descargas de libros para ipod EL ALIENTO DE LOS DIOSES de BRANDON SANDERSON in Spanish


El aliento de los dioses oWarbreaker, segunda novela de Brandon Sanderson, es unarara avis en la fantasía épica: una narración completa en un único volumen, con toda la imaginación, la aventura, la magia y los entrañables personajes a los que este autor, destinado a heredar el trono de todo un género, nos tiene acostumbrados. Hace años, el monarca de Idris firmó un tratado con el reino de Hallandren según el cual el rey Dedelin enviaría a su hija mayor, Vivenna, para casarse con Susebron, el rey-dios de Hallabdren. Vivenna ha sido adiestrada durante toda su vida para ser una novia adecuada para Susebron y así cumplir con su deber y ayudar a forjar una paz estable entre los dos reinos. Ese era el plan, pero el monarca de Idris envía a su hija Siri, desobediente e independiente, en lugar de Vivenna. Mientras intenta encontrar su lugar en la corte de Susebron, Siri descubre la verdad oculta sobre el rey-dios. En Idris, Vivenna se siente intranquila y teme que su hermana no esté preparada para esa nueva vida, por lo que decide viajar a Hallandren. Allí se reúne con la gente de Idris que trabaja en la capital, Telir, y comienza una nueva vida de espionaje y sabotaje.El plan de Vivenna es rescatar a Siri, aunque tal vez esta ni necesite ni desee ser salvada.Res...

mercredi, mars 2 2022

Download PDF Todo lo que sucedió con Miranda Huff

Todo lo que sucedió con Miranda Huff by Javier Castillo

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  • Todo lo que sucedió con Miranda Huff
  • Javier Castillo
  • Page: 456
  • Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
  • ISBN: 9788491292852
  • Publisher: Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial España

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Un fin de semana en una cabaña en el bosque. Un matrimonio en crisis. Una misteriosa desaparición. ¿Qué ha sucedido con Miranda Huff? Una pareja en crisis decide pasar un fin de semana de retiro en una cabaña en el bosque en Hidden Springs, pero cuando Ryan Huff llega para encontrarse con Miranda la puerta está abierta, hay dos copas de vino sobre la mesa, nadie en el interior y el cuarto de baño se encuentra lleno de sangre. Todo lo que sucedió con Miranda Huff es un thriller psicológico de ritmo vertiginoso donde parece imposible encontrar a Miranda con vida. Lo que Ryan desconoce es que la desaparición de su mujer conecta su historia con la de su mentor, el gran James Black, y con el descubrimiento del cadáver de una mujer desaparecida treinta años atrás en la misma zona. Después del éxito arrollador de El día que se perdió la cordura y El día que se perdió el amor, con más de 300.000 ejemplares vendidos, Javier Castillo, maestro del suspense, despliega su virtuosismo narrativo para profundizar en los misterios de lo cotidiano, allí donde permanecen ocultos los miedos más primarios. Una experiencia de lectura palpitante y enérgica que corta la respiración. La prensa ha dicho de Javier Castillo: «El Stephen King español.» Abc «Todo un descubrimiento literario.» La Opinión de Málaga «Un ejercicio narrativo pensado para atrapar al lector de manera irremediable hasta que llega a su esperado e incierto desenlace.» Àngela Belmar Talón, La Opinión de Murcia «Un novelón que bien podría ser llevado a la pantalla.» La Petita Lliberia «Una gran obra de suspense.» La Opinión de Málaga

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  • Hallie Rubenhold
  • Page: 336
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  • Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

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The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper by Hallie Rubenhold Miscast in the media for nearly 130 years, the victims of Jack the Ripper finally get their full stories told in this eye-opening and chilling reminder that life for middle-class women in Victorian London could be full of social pitfalls and peril. The “canonical five” women murdered by Jack the Ripper have always been dismissed as society’s waste, their stories passed down to us wrapped in a package of Victorian assumptions and prejudice. But social historian Hallie Rubenhold sets the record straight in The Five. In reality, only two of the victims were prostitutes, and Rubenhold has uncovered entirely new research about them all—in some cases, material no one has ever seen before.   The Five tells for the first time the true stories of these fascinating women. It delves into the Victorian experience of poverty, homelessness, and alcoholism, but also motherhood, childbirth, sexuality, child-rearing, work, and marriage, all against the fascinating, dark, and quickly changing backdrop of nineteenth-century London. From rural Sweden to the wedding of Queen Victoria, from the London of Charles Dickens to the factories of the Industrial Revolution and the high-class brothels of the West End, these women were not just victims but witnesses to the vagaries and vicissitudes of the Victorian age.  

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A Soul Remembers Hiroshima by Dolores Cannon

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  • Dolores Cannon
  • Page: 176
  • Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
  • ISBN: 9780963277664
  • Publisher: Ozark Mountain Publishing

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Prior to contacting Dolores for a regression session, a 22-year-old American woman inexplicably became deeply traumatized and overwhelmed by a sudden rush of memories that had no rational explanation. The memories were triggered in the following settings. On an ordinary day as she walked into her living room, a program was playing on the television where survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima were being interviewed. There were no scenes of the bombing, simply the interviewer discussing the event with the guests. As she viewed the images of the survivors describing their experiences, without explanation, she suddenly began experienced scenes flashing through her mind of the actual bombing as it occurred in real time. As well as experiencing visual images of the event, additional senses were stimulated as she could also hear the screams of people and feel the deep pain of the experience. Intuitively, she knew she had been present when the event occurred. In the days and weeks that followed after watching the program, the horrific scenes of the explosion itself and the resulting aftermath continued to persistently flood her mind. She was able to push them to the back of her mind for a brief period of time so she could function in everyday life, however, this became too exhausting a process which provided no explanation to what was happening to her or why. At this point, she contacted Dolores and she sought her help via a session. This book is the story of how Dolores carefully traced these experiences back to her life as a Japanese man named Nogorigatu living in Hiroshima during WWII. It tells the story of what the Japanese people experienced during the war and is a side of history that has neither been fully explored nor written about. At the time, it was Dolores most challenging case because she was unsure of how the young lady would react to reliving dying in an atomic explosion. It had to be handled with extreme care. The resulting story cries out to our time, "Do not let this horror happen again!"

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mardi, mars 1 2022

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  • Nicky Drayden
  • Page: 304
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  • Publisher: Scholastic, Inc.
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The world still needs heroes. Are you with us? Enter the first-ever original novel for Overwatch, the worldwide gaming sensation from Blizzard Entertainment! In the technologically advanced African city of Numbani, in the not-so-distant future, humans live in harmony with humanoid robots known as omnics. But when a terrorist tries to shatter that unity, a hero named Efi Oladele rises! Efi has been making robots since she was little -- machines to better her community and improve people's lives. But after she witnesses Doomfist's catastrophic attack on the city's OR15 security bots, Efi feels the call to build something greater: a true guardian of Numbani. While Doomfist sows discord between humans and omnics, Efi engineers an intelligent and compassionate robot, Orisa, named after the powerful spirits who guide her people. Orisa has a lot to learn before she's ready to defeat Doomfist, but Efi has some learning to do, too, especially when it comes to building -- and being -- a hero. With Doomfist rallying his forces, and the military powerless to stop him, can Efi mold Orisa into the hero of Numbani before it's too late? This action-packed novel features the fan-favorite characters Efi, Orisa, Doomfist, and Lúcio in an all-new, original story straight from the minds of the Overwatch game team and critically acclaimed author Nicky Drayden!

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jeudi, janvier 27 2022

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  • Pascale Bélorgey
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  • Date de parution: 2018

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Par où commencer ? Comment bien s'organiser ? Comment gagner du temps et être plus productif ? Comment clarifier les priorités ? Comment gérer la surcharge de travail, les sollicitations et les urgences ? Comment optimiser le temps passé en réunion ? Comment trouver un fonctionnement efficace qui convienne à sa propre personnalité ? Découvrez 71 outils et méthodes de gestion du temps pour savoir anticiper, s'adapter et être réactif.
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Devenu l'un des auteurs emblématiques de la "nouvelle bande dessinée" , et avec plus de 160 livres à son actif, Lewis Trondheim s'est essayé à tous les genres. Il est aussi membre fondateur de l'Oubapo (Ouvroir de bande dessinée potentielle), cofondateur de l'Association, et dirige la collection "Shampooing" aux éditions Delcourt. Il a contribué à la création du SNAC BD (syndicat des auteurs de bande dessinée) et a inventé le "Fauve" devenu la mascotte du festival d'Angoulême, manifestation qui l'a couronné de son Grand Prix en 2006.
Cette carrière d'une richesse remarquable le place au carrefour de toutes les évolutions récentes de la bande dessinée. D'habitude peu enclin aux interviews et aux apparitions médiatiques, Lewis Trondheim s'est cette fois longuement entretenu avec Thierry Groensteen, théoricien et historien de la bande dessinée, et ami de longue date. Le texte qui en résulte éclaire non seulement un parcours artistique aux avant-postes de la création contemporaine, mais également une personnalité intègre, un esprit agile et inquiet, un tempérament joueur.
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Après Snjór, retour sur les terres gelées d'Islande. A Siglufjördur, dans l'obscurité totale de la nuit polaire, l'inspecteur Herjólfur est assassiné alors qu'il enquêtait aux abords d'une vieille maison abandonnée. Son jeune collègue Ari Thór mène l'enquête dans leur petite communauté apparemment sans histoires. Dans ce village du bout du monde, chacun n'aurait-il pas une bonne raison de semer le chaos ? Pour reconstituer le puzzle, il faudra aussi écouter cette voix qui murmure, cloîtrée dans un hôpital psychiatrique, et qui tient peut-être la clé de l'énigme.

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Qu'est-ce qu'un rapport social ? Y a-t-il une "essence" de l'homme ? Quels sont les différents systèmes de parenté ? Que nous apprend la mort sur la vie des hommes ? Quels sont, tout compte fait, aux yeux de l'anthropologue, les fondamentaux de la vie sociale ? Abordant ces questions qui constituent à la fois l'objet des enquêtes de terrain et le coeur de la réflexion des sciences sociales, Maurice Godelier identifie notamment cinq préconditions de l'existence qui dessinent une "nature humaine", à laquelle s'ajoute toujours le caractère imprévisible et ouvert du devenir historique.
Soulignant les apports de sa discipline pour la compréhension des sociétés humaines dans leur diversité, Maurice Godelier revient de manière vivante sur les grands jalons de ses recherches, défend à la fois distanciation méthodologique et sens de l'engagement, et dresse, à rebours d'un certain discours post-moderne, un portrait de l'anthropologue en savant de l'humanité toute entière.

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  • Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
  • ISBN: 9781789043877
  • Publisher: Axis Mundi Books

Download Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis Teach that the Human Race was Created by God or Engineered by ETs?

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Paul Wallis - Religion & Spirituality: Books - Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis teach that the human race was created by God or engineered by ETs? by Paul Wallis | 24 April 2020. 4.8 out of 5 stars 110. ESCAPING FROM EDEN: Does Genesis Teach That the ESCAPING FROM EDEN: Does Genesis Teach That the Human Race Was Created by God or Engineered by ETs? Paul Wallis. Takes you on a journey around  God - Biological Sciences / Science & Math - Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis Teach that the Human Race was Created by God or Engineered by ETs? by Paul Wallis | May 1, 2020. Paul Wallis: Kindle Store - Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis Teach that the Human Race was Created by God or Engineered by ETs? by Paul Wallis | Sold by:  Word Wise Enabled - Sacred Writings / Judaism - Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis Teach that the Human Race was Created by God or Engineered by ETs? by Paul Wallis | Sold by:  Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis Teach that the Human Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis Teach that the Human Race was Created by God or Engineered by ETs? Front Cover. Paul Wallis. PDF Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis Teach that the May 14, 2020 - PDF Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis Teach that the Human Race was Created by God or Engineered by ETs? kindle. Customer reviews: Escaping from Eden: Does - Human Race was Created by God or Engineered by ETs? at Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis Teach that the Human Race was Created by  That - UFOs / Occult & Paranormal: Books - Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis Teach that the Human Race was Created by God or Engineered by ETs? by Paul Wallis | May 1, 2020. Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis Teach that the Human Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis Teach that the Human Race was Created by God or Engineered by ETs? - Ebook written by Paul Wallis. Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis Teach That the Human Escaping from Eden: Does Genesis Teach That the Human Race Was Created by God or Engineered by Ets? Paul Wallis (Author). FORMAT.

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